A peaceful bright sunny mid summers day and as I look out of my train window on the way to work everything seems normal.
But I noticed on the platform a stiffening breeze.
It's the kind of summer gust that is heralding a change.
Sure enough 6 miles into my journey even though the sun still shines clouds are beginning to appear.
I check my bag and it's ok I have my umbrella but I noticed others who are dressed as if summer is going to last, not looking ahead not really interested in anything but the here and now.
There seems to be slightly more of them than the people who have checked the future and are prepared.
From my office window later I will see these different kinds of people having to react to storm that has hit them...
As there clothes and hair drip they'll blame the British weather, climate change, their boss for them not being able to eat at their desk. They'll blame anyone and anything until they realise there is no one to blame but themselves.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes these finger pointers to turn the fingers on themselves on this not so normal Friday morning.