Thursday, 20 February 2014

David Bowie and the anything but common cold!

I felt it only right to add my congratulations to David Bowie after he became the oldest winner of best male at last nights Brit Awards. I'm not here to debate the merits of the win, it was a decent enough album, released out of the blue. It would have won the "Best kept secret by a Brit" award, if there was one. I just can't help looking at this, and not without a wry smile, from the point of view of those who these awards are for and who they are aimed at. Let's be honest most of the so called pop fans of today should have been in bed when the show was broadcast. For those who did defy their parents or watched in their room on their own TV Smart Phone or Tablet this result must have been puzzling. Here is a man...yes an adult...yes an adult pop star!who could be their grandfather or even great grandfather who hasn't toured since before they were born, only released one album in years,actually that's similar to some of their own, beating some of their own...I wonder if they thought leaving the xbox and GTA 33 or whatever was worth it. And I wonder too if that thought flashed through the minds of some of the marketing execs etc... Whose night of XFactoresque self publicity had suddenly gone off the rails slightly? I suppose there would have to come a time when manufactured music aimed at primary school ages would have its day...I'm not sure we are there yet, unfortunately, maybe Grandpa David has brought us a little closer though...another reason to congratulate him. This week for what seems to be the umpteenth time this so called mild winter a group of germs has been attracted to me and the old hankie drawer has taken another battering. With this in mind I was interested to read that scientists are close to providing a cure for the common cold...a miracle I hear you snuffle...I too would have joined in the communal nasal celebration if it wasn't for the fact that I also read somewhere that humans never get the same kind of cold or flu bug is always different! So I hope I haven't yet had the strain that the scientists are working on, I would feel very put out if I had got rid of the thing myself just as the cure arrives!

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