Just a couple of weeks ago the nation honoured the men and women who gave their lives in conflicts since 1914.
Quite rightly the nation stopped and reflected on their sacrifice and stories were told and re told about the events that led to their horrible end.
As it was the centenary of the commencement of the First World War there was, quite rightly, a lot of focus on how that terrible and some would say pointless conflict was allowed to happen, relevant and thought provoking.
The Second World War was slightly different.
Our brave men and women, ordinary normal hard working non military men and women were fighting something totally different.
They were fighting a regime that had come to power in a country rife with, division, poverty, social injustice, inequality and for a vast majority of their population a sense of hopelessness and betrayal by their leaders.
The regime seized on this and began to implement their plan.
The plan was quite a simple one. Feed on all of the feelings the population was experiencing, emphasise, sympathise, put an arm around them and whisper in their ears, "it's ok, it's not your fault, it's theirs" and proceed to blame a minority of the population.
Put the burden of the majority of the populous at the doors of those who were deemed to be different, unorthodox, atypical...foreign.
These people were labelled as sponges, taking as much as they could and not giving anything back, depriving the idiginous people of their right to work, earn and live as they wanted to.
It is much easier to blame these kinds of people rather than the establishment or governments because in bad times people like someone to point a finger at and it is much more simple to blame a person rather than a faceless governing body that may be based hundreds of miles away...these people lived in the same town and were a tangible presence.
The regime knew this and they soon had the desperate deprived people believing them and the persecutions started and the rest as they say is history...or is it?
I wonder what the brave people honoured so recently would make of their countries latest MPs? Or the party or society they represent?
Times are hard...money tight...injustice rife...division rampant...inequality everywhere...hopelessness and betrayal commonly felt. The establishment taking no notice and indeed fuelling it.
Who does this new "people's party" blame? Put the burden of the majority of the populous at the doors of those who were deemed to be different, unorthodox, atypical...foreign. Oops that was a copy and paste! Well actually it was no accident because it is exactly the same and people are actually believing it...all over again.
Lets have a look at what these people have supposed to have done... Plunged the economy into crisis by gambling trillions of our pounds in the financial markets? Oh no that wasn't them....inflict austerity not seen since Victorian times...still not them...Create a society where number one is the only one that matters...nope that wasn't them... Threaten a Heath service that is the envy of the world...except the U.S. but that's another story...and that is still not their doing...
Struggling to find what they have done...oh wait! Times are hard so blame the minorities, the ones who are different etc...
Now there are two sides to this coin and those of you who have read this far will now see the balance, the ones who have stopped reading are probably blocking me and avidly reading their new party's leaflets for comfort.
The second side to this coin is that all parts of the populous must resist this new finger pointing blame game and not react in an insular defensive way...the huge majority of peaceful hard working people of all faiths and nationalities need to prove the bigots wrong and dismantle their arguments in front of their faces...How? By showing that they understand that only the divided fall...discourage the extremists in their own societies, allow their children to learn with other children about the different faiths and societies they will live in when they grow up for the more insular minority groups become the more they fuel the fires of the new party and its sheep...
I love this bit of rebellion against bigotry! http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/18/neo-nazis-tricked-into-raising-10000-for-charity