Sunday, 28 December 2014

Looking Forward In The Rear View Mirror

Around a year ago I decided to make several resolutions for 2014, I succeeded with 3 out of the 5. 

One of my successes was promising myself a little spare time each month and put some ramblings to the digital equivalent of paper and write a blog.

This was the first time I had done anything like this and I would like to thank the 400+people who have opened and hopefully read about my take on things.

The subjects have varied wildly depending on what caught my eye at the time, they have ranged from Groundhog Days, to Good and Dark Friday's. From musical opinion to poignant anniversaries and social comment. A lot of the subjects are still valid today, which brings me to this particular ramble.

As this is, more than likely, the final blog of 2014 I thought it would be good to share some hopes for 2015 and relate it to some of the topics covered.

One of my early attempts was written at a time when thousands of people were being affected by serious flooding caused by exceptional storms and aided by poor planning and even poorer investment. The British "blitz" spirit was shown as the poor people rowed up high streets in anything that floated. I can't help thinking they would have preferred their river to have been dredged more or having the correct number environment agency staff doing the job they do so well rather than reduced numbers, or more money channelled if you excuse the pun to prevention rather than a single rail line reducing one journey by 20 minutes.

There was also a hope that lessons had been learned about planning so weather wouldn't bring chaos as easily as it did...this hope is extinguished because I write this twenty four hours after a few inches of snow practically brought the Midlands and North of England to a stand still, a disgrace, for a so called top table nation. 

A highlight of 2014 from an entertainment point of view was the reunion of the remaining Python's. Though it was never going to be anywhere near their younger days, it was a pleasure to have them and their comic genius in the forefront once again. 

As I stated in my blog at the time though the small mindedness of the  politically correct minority almost ruined it with senseless censoring. Can't the great British public think for themselves? If a show with a reputation for adult humour is being shown live then guess what? You will get some adult humour, if you don't like it turn it off...I am hoping that this kind of nonsense ceases in 2015 though I very much doubt it, I fear as we move into election year what we see and hear will be as controlled as ever. 

On that subject as a follow up to another blog I really do hope that the sleeping giant known as the "voter" will rise from its decades of slumber and meander down to its local polling station in May and give the country a true reflection of its feelings rather than the tiny, and I mean tiny, percentage of potential extremists seizing their moment, the consequences this time of saying I can't be bothered are very dangerous indeed. 

When I look back over my ramblings this year I am disappointed that the majority seem like a rant. But as unimportant as my views are its vital that opposing views are aired to the minority driving the agenda at the moment. 

One resolution from me would be to be able to write about more positive things in 2015, to blog about normal everyday stuff...I have a feeling though that this would one resolution I would fail to keep. 

I hope you all have a great New Year and happy and peaceful 2015 and thanks again for reading. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Seasoning Reasoning

Now before I start I need to say that this is not a rant against depression which is a serious and debilitating illness and should never be taken lightly.

My point here is the annual moan in by people saying " oh aren't these dark nights awful?" Aren't these dark mornings awful?" Isn't it depressing? Etc etc etc... As if this is a rare event.

Allow me to explain why it happens...and how lucky we are.

It all stems from elementary geography...

This is the planet Earth...where we live
We are here...
Now as you will notice we are quite fact very northerly...
It gets better...billions of years ago the Earth was knocked a little skew wiff and ended up at a slight angle...

This slight leaning is what gives us the seasons and as we are northerly between October and March our days are shorter and nights longer but...guess what? In the summer we have very long days and hardly any night...but that tends to be forgotten...I said at the start that we were's why...if it wasn't for the natural weather phenomenon that is the Gulf Stream we would have extreme Siberian type winters most years...instead we have what we have and considering our position on our planet that justifies the word lucky.

So the next time you feel like moaning at it being dark at 4 or not light until 8 think about the dawn breaking at 3:30 and sun setting at 22:30 in just s few months and enjoy the special atmosphere that is Autumn and Winter.