Now before I start I need to say that this is not a rant against depression which is a serious and debilitating illness and should never be taken lightly.
My point here is the annual moan in by people saying " oh aren't these dark nights awful?" Aren't these dark mornings awful?" Isn't it depressing? Etc etc etc... As if this is a rare event.
Allow me to explain why it happens...and how lucky we are.
It all stems from elementary geography...
This is the planet Earth...where we live

We are here...
It gets better...billions of years ago the Earth was knocked a little skew wiff and ended up at a slight angle...
This slight leaning is what gives us the seasons and as we are northerly between October and March our days are shorter and nights longer but...guess what? In the summer we have very long days and hardly any night...but that tends to be forgotten...I said at the start that we were's why...if it wasn't for the natural weather phenomenon that is the Gulf Stream we would have extreme Siberian type winters most years...instead we have what we have and considering our position on our planet that justifies the word lucky.
So the next time you feel like moaning at it being dark at 4 or not light until 8 think about the dawn breaking at 3:30 and sun setting at 22:30 in just s few months and enjoy the special atmosphere that is Autumn and Winter.
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