Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Broadcasting The Wrong Message

Cast your minds back to your school days.

Come's not that long ago!

Remember play time? Remember the big loud mouth bully who prowled the play ground in search of victims, usually smaller, quieter and more vulnerable than anyone else?

You remember him or her as this was certainly not a male domain and how they tormented and annoyed and generally did what they wanted for they knew that they were also the top scorer in the football team or the bruiser in the pack at rugby or in a lot of cases the star pupil, so they also knew that the staff and more importantly the head teacher would continually overlook their "banter" and "horseplay" because if they were disciplined or expelled the school would suffer, stuff the victim, save the school.

So, have you all got that thought in your head? Sadly it doesn't stop at school.
Colleges, universities, industries, factories, shops, NHS, schools, the list goes on, fortunately in more and more areas these people are being dealt with, I did say more though, not all.

It seems that in the world of "entertainment" the popular person with the biggest mouth and full range of small minded little England "banter" and apparent "horseplay" is allowed to do whatever from the governors, who put ratings before decency and who are encouraged by people who really should know better ignoring the offence or rather favour of their "hero".

And this has nothing to do with political correctness, it's all to do with fairness. If any of you who added a signature to an online petition today acted like your hero in your own work I'm afraid you wouldn't be working today because, quite rightly, you would have been disciplined, and if on a final warning, once investigated and proven, dismissed.

Going back to our playground bully, I can't imagine him/her dashing to their laptop to sign a petition on your behalf, they would probably be eagerly waiting for your replacement so they can start their "banter"all over again...

1 comment:

  1. Hear, hear! And as far as I'm concerned, the only Top Gear broadcast by the BBC that's worth bothering about is the pop/rock radio programme from the '60s and '70s!
